2nd Newsletter
- Written by Vangelis Katsigiannakis
- Published in CoSpIRom News
- Permalink

Dear CoSpIRom Friend,
This is our 2nd Newsletter to let you know about the actions we have completed so far during the second phase of the project and to inform you about the ongoing tasks.
Issue #2: Actions and tasks completed (May 2019 – November 2019)

- Common spaces with young Roma prisoners and prospective teachers (May-June, October, 2019):
The workshops enabled prospective teachers (students) and young Roma prisoners to co-create common spaces of shared meanings and direct intercultural experiences meant to challenge the symbolic boundaries between Roma and non-Roma cultures.

- Performance in prison (May, October, 2019):
The special events were prepared by the prospective teachers and young Roma prisoners, consisted of artistic performances and/or exhibition of works and aimed to change negative perspectives on Roma youngsters.

- 1st advocacy meeting in Romania, Timisoara (May 2019):
The 1st advocacy meeting in Romania created the context of raising awareness for the media representatives on how Roma are presented in the press and a chance to directly interact with young Roma in prisons.

- Local roundtable in prison in Romania, Timisoara (May 2019):
The local roundtable organized in Romania facilitated the rise of awareness on the stereotypes about Roma. The direct and free interaction between Roma and non-Roma participants aimed to build social bridges of friendship, understanding and tolerance.

- Common spaces with young Roma prisoners and police/prison officers in Romania, Timisoara (June 2019):
The activity brought together young Roma prisoners and employees from the Police and the Educational Center that had
the opportunity to interact in a dynamic context with the purpose of improving the understanding and the
communication between the participants.
• 2nd advocacy meeting in Italy, Florence (July 2019):
The 2nd advocacy meeting in Italy was participated by the project team of the University of Pisa, and by representatives of the Florence municipality, of associations active in the field of social inclusion of cultural and ethnic minorities and of the media.

- Training of police/prison officers (July, September, 2019):
Specialized training of police/prison officers with the purpose of improving the intercultural communication skills of these professionals.
• Film (October 2019):
During October a film with the title ‘Yavin’ (tomorrow) was created with young Roma. Originally was in mixed language (Romani and Greek) while Romanian, Italian and English subtitles are available. Despite the fact that its creation was going to address raising awareness issues, it also turned to one more common space between young Roma and the CoSpIRom team. Following critical communicative methodology young Roma had the opportunity to express their ideas about the scenario and in general
filmmaking. The film suggests a change of the dominant narrative about Roma focusing on their expectations and desires.
Ongoing activities
• Training of police/prison officers in Italy.
• Creating common spaces with Roma and non Roma (students – parents).
• Creating common spaces with young Roma prisoners and prospective teachers.
• Creating common spaces with Roma and police/prison officers.
Upcoming activities
• Coordination meeting 2 and Roundtable 1 in Pisa.
• Creation of murals.
• Creating common spaces with young Roma prisoners and police/prison officers.
The aim of CoSpIRom (Common Spaces for the Integration of Roma) project is the design and implementation of a series of actions against discrimination and marginalization of Roma in Greece, Romania and Italy. Creating common spaces of contact, spaces of acceptance and equal participation, we implement a critical communicative methodology aiming to involve all actors in decision-making in order to facilitate Roma’s integration and to raise awareness of the local societies in Greece, Romania and Italy. CoSpIRom aims to serve as a model for other European countries towards social justice and fighting for Roma communities’ rights to education and social and civic participation.

Funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014 – 2020).
The content of this newsletter represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.