- Written by Vasiliki Chrysikou
- Published in CoSpIRom Common Spaces
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This film was created as part of the European project ‘Common Spaces for the Integration of Roma–CoSpIRom’ [EC-RDIS-DISC-AG-2017]. We followed Critical Communicative Methodology, according to which, successful actions bring scientific knowledge in dialogue with people’s knowledge and also with institutions that participate in the same actions. Within this framework, young Roma had the opportunity to express their ‘voices’, their ideas and desires, on which this film is based. In particular, six young Roma participated both in the writing of the script and in the making of it. The film suggests a change of the dominant narrative about Roma. Instead of discussing stereotypes, it presents these young Roma on a typical day: work, music, school, second chance school. Limitations, conflicts, fears and expectations for ‘tomorrow’ (‘yavin’) gradually emerge.