The training of prospective teachers in Italy
- Written by Franco Favilli
- Published in Prospective Teachers
- Permalink
In Italy, Pisa, the training took place in the second half of February 2019 and was attended by fourteen young prospective teachers (eleven females and three males) with a master degree from the Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Literature and Psychology of the University of Florence.
Here below the topics of the eight sessions:
1) The pedagogy between differences and interculturalism: an epochal emergency.
2) Multicultural society and democracy. A new idea of citizenship?
3) Interculturalism and Roma groups in Europe.
4) Roma language and culture.
5) Intercultural and marginal subjects: between school, associationism and prison.
6) Intercultural pedagogy in Europe: models and practices.
7) Interculturalism and human rights between scholastic and media knowledge.
8) Interculturalism: education, relationship, experiences in dialogue in the school.
The analysis of the satisfaction survey showed a highest appreciation, by the prospective teachers, for
- the way in which the training activities were organized,
- the quality of their contents,
- their usefulness for the subsequent workshops with young Roma in prison, but also for
- their own professional growth as future teachers.