The Opening Conference in Timisoara
- Written by Theofild Lazar
- Published in Conferences, CoSpIRom News
- Permalink
The project Opening Conference in Timisoara was organized by the Action-Research Centre on Discrimination and Social Inclusion, within the West University of Timisoara.
The event took place on Tuesday, December 18th 2018, between 14.00 and 16.00 and it was held in room 701 in the main building of the West University of Timisoara’s headquarters, on No. 4th Vasile Parvan Boulavard, in Timisoara, Timis county, Romania.
The organizing of the event included room reservation, sending of the invitations to the potential participants (at the beginning of December 2018), calling the institutions for confirmation of their participation.
A total of 20 invitations were send to relevant actors like: Roma organizations, schools, police, penitentiary institutions, media organizations (newspapers and radio), Timis County School Inspectorate, Timis Prefecture, Timisoara Social Work Department, and university students.
A total of 21 participants attended the event, on behalf of Roma organizations, local media, county and local public authorities, county and local police, penitentiary institutions, PhD students and the project team.
The event started with a presentation of the project (main concepts, objectives, activities, indicators, target groups, estimated results), held by the project team. Later, the event attendants intervened with questions, clarifications and suggestions. Towards the end of the event, specific details were agreed by the attendants and the project team members, regarding the approach of the research phase (WP2). The senior researcher 1 (involved in WP 2) recruited the attendants at the event as relevant informants during the next phase of the project. A series of interviews with them will follow (based on the research design) in the next months.
The participants expressed their general interest and enthusiasm on participating in the project (as local collaborators) and supporting the local team in recruiting the project target group and organizing the project special events.
Local coordinator Romania,
Assoc. prof. Theofild Lazar