2nd Local roundtable in Italy
- Written by Cospirom Administrator
- Published in Roma Prisoners & Prospective Teachers
- Permalink

The Local Roundtable 2 “Training activities in prisons from an intercultural perspective” took place online on January 30th, 2021. The main topics introduced and discussed were the outcomes of the CoSpIRom project activities aimed at creation of common spaces with young Roma prisoners.
In particular, the role of Universities in the training of future teachers in intercutural dialogue and relations with citizens belonging to socially marginalized categories, such as Roma and, above all, Roma ex-prisoners, was discussed.
Another topic of discussion was the need, positively identified in the CoSpIRom project, to create the conditions for establishing a dialogue that allows the creation of open spaces for young Roma inside and outside prisons.
In addition to the project team members Aiello, Favilli and Lanzetta, the invited discussants included Ilaria Vietina (councilor for educational policies of Lucca municipality), Alessandro Mariani (intercultural pedagogist and prospective teacher trainer), Elettra Lorini (educator and empowerment expert), Elena Ghiloni and Raffaello Riggio (educators in Lucca and Florence prisons), Maria Giulia Rao (police officer) and Elio Moscariello (social worker for Roma communities).
Some 100 people participated in the roundtable, a few of them entering the lively discussion.