The 1st Advocacy Meeting in Pisa
- Written by Franco Favilli
- Published in Advocacy Meetings (Roma & Media)
- Permalink

The 1st Advocacy Meetingin Pisa was organized by the Centro interdipartimentale per l’Aggornamento, la Formazione e la Ricerca Educativa – CAFRE of the University of Pisa.
The event took place on December 20th 2018, between 12.00 and 14.00.
The meeting room of the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics of the University of Pisa.
Project presentation by the local project team followed by debate, with and among the participants, on
- the state of the art of the Pisa area as far as the project topic is concerned;
- the role of media
(15) Participants’ Affiliation
- Project Team – University of Pisa
- RAI – Radiotelevisione italiana, the national public broadcasting company of Italy
- Corriere della Sera, the most widespread newspaper in Italy
- Il Tirreno, the most widespread newspaper in the Province of Pisa
- Caritas, Roman Catholic relief, development and social service organisation
- C.I.F. – Centro Italiano Femminile (Italian Women Center), the most relevant women association in Italy
- Centro Culturae, association for the promotion of communication and the relationship between people of different religions and cultures
- Coordination office of the Italian ombudsmen
- Intercultural entities
The closure by the municipal authorities, in the days immediately preceding the conference, of two Roma camps and the consequent removal from the area of Pisa of their inhabitants has prevented the participation in the conference of representatives of local Roma community. New contacts will be taken immediately after Christmas and the start of the new year.
Despite the absence of representatives of the Roma community, the discussion that followed the presentation of the project represented a first opportunity to reflect on the use by the media of strongly consolidated stereotypes and on their responsibility in the dissemination of these stereotypes and in the reinforcement of prejudices towards Roma in the society.
The event had a great impact on the media (see links below):