3rd Advocacy Meeting in Italy
- Written by Cospirom Administrator
- Published in Advocacy Meetings (Roma & Media)
- Permalink

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 3rd Advocacy Meeting was held online, on 10 February 2021. The meeting had the purpose of presenting not only the main outcomes of the project, but above all the Manifesto, prepared as a part of the CoSpIRom project products, on challenging the reproduction, above all by the media, of stereotypes on citizens of the Roma / Sinti ethnicity.
This meeting was widely participated by University students and teaching staff, trainers, educators, media, law enforcement representatives, stakeholders in the field of educational and social inclusion.
The discussion had a lively development, with particular attention given to the last point of the Manifesto which highlights the risk on the part of the media to focus and reduce attention on the exotic aspects of news regarding Roma.