3rd Advocacy Meeting in Greece
- Written by Cospirom Administrator
- Published in Advocacy Meetings (Roma & Media)
- Permalink

The third advocacy meeting was implemented at 6/2/2021, via Cisco Webex platform. In this meeting participated, apart from the research team, people of local and national media and young Roma.
The agenda of this meeting concerned the development of the manifesto. A draft version was provided to all participants: young Roma, journalists, research team, asking for suggestions that could improve manifesto. The fact that young Roma, equally participating, expressed their perspective about the way they desire to be presented by media it was of crucial importance and aligned with the purpose of this action. Manifesto that came out of this collaboration pursues to affect Media; to inspire them to rethink their role in reproduction of Roma stereotypes while its development was an excellent opportunity for young Roma to insert their perspective and expectations.